It’s got form: Staffordshire’s fastest land mammal
Just how fast can hares go? And what’s the logic behind the saying Mad as March hare? If you’ve ever wondered what the answers are to these questions, then read on.
Just how fast can hares go? And what’s the logic behind the saying Mad as March hare? If you’ve ever wondered what the answers are to these questions, then read on.
A guide to identifying the UK's owls
From woodlands to meadows, nature's bountiful berries can be discovered in every corner. Whether it's the scarlet allure of clusters of shimmering rowan berries or the warm and inviting…
Insect expert Ben Keywood from Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust takes a closer look at craneflies.
Join me as I share my latest late-night endeavours to find out how our habitat work at Brankley Pastures is fairing for one of our protected amphibian species.
Join our assistant ranger Tom as he undercovers why heathlands are so important for our wildlife and we're sure you’ll agree that we’re super lucky to have these rare fragments remaining in…
Mark Preece previously worked for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and has joined the Trust to continue to care for the 11 sites that transferred to our land management late in 2022.
It’s that exciting time of year, when the temperature is fickle but the days are growing longer. Soon, we’ll be talking about the spring equinox and anxiously awaiting the weekend in March when we…
Across the UK, we are already starting to see and hear nature gear up for spring.
The Wildlife Trusts’ youth activism manager, Arran Wilson, draws on his background as a lecturer in zoology to explore what exactly hibernation is, and which animals rely on it to get through…