Get Involved

Get involved and get wild

Get involved

Ways to get wild!

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust promotes involvement, enjoyment and understanding of the natural world.

All across Staffordshire people are taking action for wildlife. Letting gardens grow wild, creating wildlife friendly spaces, and campaigning to defend nature.

We’re making sure everyone can find ways to get wild. With events for all ages, and advice to help you make your neighbourhood wilder. Get involved today and find out how you can help wildlife.

We work with schools and training forest school leaders as well as offering activities for families, uniform groups and youth. Get in touch to find out more.

There are plenty of ways to get involved with the Trust too, volunteering outdoors or in the office. There are so many opportunities and something for everyone.

Get involved - events

David Tipling/2020VISION

Family activities

What's on
Get involved - volunteering


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A women crouched down in a garden area with children surrounding her and a picket fence in the background

Silkmore Academy's Forest School by Sarah Davison

Educating and inspiring

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Why get involved?

There are SO many reasons and benefits, here are just a few:

  • Increased appreciation for the importance nature
  • Understanding more about conserving wildlife and wild spaces
  • Improving your health and wellbeing
  • Improving your local area and other people’s lives
  • Picking up new skills
  • Exploring places
  • Meeting new people

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