Inspiring the next generation
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust promotes involvement, enjoyment and understanding of the natural world to people of all ages and backgrounds.
We offer a variety of environmental education programmes for schools, to inspire a passion for nature in schoolchildren of every age. We can visit your school or children come to us at one of our popular visitor centres.
Our programmes cover everything from plant lifecycles to the stone age and creating art with natural materials. Visit our teachers and educators page for more information.

Families and children
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust organises a huge variety of events to encourage children and their families to discover the delights of the natural world. We cater for all age groups.
Preschoolers and their parents or guardians can come along to one of our Nature Tots or Wildlings groups, while five - thirteen year-olds can enjoy Wildfamilies events and eight - 16-year-olds will love #GetWild. At our sessions, youngsters will get involved in lots of wild activities, such as bug hunting, pond-dipping, scavenger hunts and learning outdoor survival skills.
We also have a Wildlife Watch groups that meets up once a month (unless otherwise stated) @ The Wolseley Centre aimed at 5-13 years. To find out more about our sessions, search for family events in our What's On guide

Older children and teenagers
Children up to the age of 16 can join in our #GetWild activity sessions, and over 16s can sign up for conservation volunteering to learn all about how we look after our nature reserves and other wild places to benefit wildlife.
Find our more on our young people page or search for events on our What's On Guide

We offer lots of opportunities for adults to learn more about wildlife and explore the natural world on their doorsteps. You can come along to one of our many events, or get involved in your Local Group who run a programme of walks, talks and other activities. We often have area specific community projects running which can offer a chance to get involved, find out more on our Community Groups and Projects page.
If you're interested in getting more hands-on, you could sign up for one of our volunteer groups and get stuck into some practical work to protect local wildlife and wild spaces.