Every little helps
The greatest way you can support wildlife in Staffordshire is by becoming a member of Staffordshire Wildlife Trust... But there are also lots of other ways you can help. From fundraising while doing your online shopping to purchasing something from our wish list.
By supporting Staffordshire Wildlife Trust in these ways you will be enabling us to do more for local wildlife.
We've gathered together some of the most quick and easy ways you can go the extra mile and help us create a wilder Staffordshire for all to enjoy.

Amazon Wishlist
People often ask us is there anything they can buy for the Trust that would be really useful other than money. We have an Amazon Wishlist with items that would be really useful for our charity to have, enabling the day-to-day work of our People Engagement and Conservation teams.

Thrift +
Donate your unwanted, good quality clothes using Thrift + and raise funds for nature!
Simply nominate Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Limited when you sign-up so that when your items get sold, we receive a percentage of the proceeds! You can choose to donate 66% of your earnings or donate some and gain shopping credits at Thrift +.
This is a great way to support us if you can't take your unwanted clothes to one of our charity shops.

Did you know that you can declutter CDs, DVDs and games through Ziffit and donate the proceeds to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust via Virgin Money? The Trust has its own unique link where you can sign-up. Discover more about Ziffit here www.ziffit.com/en-gb/about-us

Shop with us
We stock a whole host of sustainably sourced clothing on our Teemill store. Additionally there are nature themed homeware and gifts galore in our online shop, all perfect for nature lovers.
A lasting memorial
Visitors to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust’s Wolseley Centre headquarters can opt to keep memories alive thanks to our special Giving Tree. This eye-catching copper tree sits on the wall near to the centre’s entrance and is adorned with personalised brass oak leaves, each dedicated to someone special.
You can celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, the birth of a child, or use a leaf to remember the life of a loved one.
Individually engraved leaves are priced at £250, which is a one off donation that secures a leaf forever.
For further information, or to order a personalised leaf with the message of your choice, visit The Wolseley Centre or call on 01889 880141. Alternatively, email info@staffs-wildlife.org.uk
We can also install memorial benches at a small number of our reserves (subject to location and management plans). Please email info@staffs-wildlife.org.uk to enquire about this.

Use easyfundraising while shopping online
Shop through the Easyfundraising website for FREE to allow over 7,500 brands to donate to us. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.