Working with people

A woman in a beenie hat and purple top points as she stands on a board walk with some children who are using binoculars to bird watch

Bird watching at The Wolseley Centre - Ade Clarke

Working with people

People need wildlife and wildlife needs people

We work with communities across Staffordshire to help them discover nature on their doorstep and care for local wild places.

Empowering people to take action for nature

We’re supporting people across the county to take action for nature. Providing the knowledge and skills they need to help wildlife in their local area. At Staffordshire Wildlife Trust we pride ourselves on the quality, variety and expertise of our community engagement work.

Connecting communities with wild spaces

We’re helping more people connect with nature. Our educational work with families and schools develops young people’s understanding of the environment and inspires them to protect it. Through our volunteering opportunities, events and community advisory work, we enable and encourage hundreds of people to access and improve wild spaces for communities.

Working together to protect wildlife

One person alone only has a small impact when we think about the colossal threats faced by wildlife today. But when we combine our efforts, we can have a real impact on the nature and climate emergency. That’s why we’re finding ways we can all work together for nature, encouraging networking and partnerships between people, groups, councils, and charities that are all doing positive things to benefit the environment.

A woman and child sit in a wildflower garden smiling, the woman holds a wildchild paper bag and wears a head scarf, the child holds an icecream

Wildchild Festival 2023 - Susan Freeman

Family events

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Young girl playing on edge of woodland Norfolk winter - David Tipling/2020VISION

Get involved

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School children in the rain garden with clipboards

School children in the Rain Garden at The Woselely Centre - Ade Clarke

Educating and inspiring

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