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Staffordshire Wildlife Trust offers a variety of exciting programmes that we can deliver in your school. All activities are designed to have strong links with core areas of the National Curriculum and to be hands-on and engaging.
We can deliver one-off programmes in your school as well as longer programmes which encourage further engagement and understanding. All of our education programmes on offer at our Visitor Centres can be brought to your school. The programmes can be adapted to suit the needs of the group. Each session lasts for half a day but can be repeated to 2 classes during the day.
You can download our list of education programmes on offer below.
Education programmes booklet

Credit: Paul Harirs/2020VISION
Continued Learning Opportunities

- Forest Schools - A rewarding learning experience which connects children with nature in a nurturing environment which boosts self esteem and confidence. Learn more.
- After School Clubs - we can come and run an after school club at your school. Head to this web page for further info or contact us on the email / number below
Cost is dependent on duration and number of children. To discuss the options, email getwild@staffs-wildlife.org.uk or call 01889 880100.