Be part of something special
Staffordshire has a variety of wildlife interest groups for different species and families from barn owls to bats. These groups can provide information, answer questions, offer events/talks but also need help with projects/surveys; a perfect chance to get stuck in and learn more about special species. See below for the list of wildlife groups.

Staffordshire Badger conservation Group
Staffordshire Badger Conservation Group was formed in 1986 by a small group of people who were initially involved in providing evidence of badger persecution. Since then the group has grown in size and now covers all aspects of badger conservation.
Staffordshire Badger Conservation Group can also help if you find a sick or injured badger

Staffordshire Barn Owl Action group
The Staffordshire Barn Owl Action Group (BOAG) was set up in 2001 after it was estimated that there were only 30 breeding pairs left in Staffordshire. In an effort to help increase the population, since then BOAG has installed over 280 barn owl nest boxes in areas where the habitat is suitable. These boxes are monitored on an annual basis to establish which are being used. Where chicks are found and with permission from the landowner, they are ringed. This provides BOAG with further information to help with conservation work and build up a picture of barn owl movement after fledging.
To help them keep track of the population, BOAG are keen to hear about any barn owl sightings or discoveries of dead barn owls, especially if they are ringed. Anyone with suitable habitat who is interested in having a barn owl box should also get in touch. The group is affiliated to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. For more details, contact Helen Cottam on Thursdays on 01889 880100 or e-mail

Credit; Tom Marshall
Staffordshire Bat Group
Affiliated to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, Staffordshire Bat Group was formed in 1990, to increase knowledge, understanding and acceptance of bats through promotional activities and research. The group has a varied membership with a core of dedicated volunteers who undertake work for the group in their spare time.
Activities include talks, walks, surveys, promotional work, bat care and rehabilitation and training courses. If you find a sick or injured bat, call the Bat Conservation Trust on 0845 1300 228.

Staffordshire Mammal Group
Staffordshire Mammal Group are a friendly group of enthusiasts whose aims are to increase mammal awareness; record mammal distribution; provide training and give advice.
They organise a variety of activities, such as walks and surveys. For more information on upcoming events and identifying different mammals by their field signs you can join their Facebook group.