Our vision

Our vision

Credit: Danny Green /2020VISION 

Our vision and strategy

Together we can create a thriving natural world

Our vision is of a thriving natural world, with our wildlife and natural habitats playing a valued role in addressing the climate and ecological emergencies, and everyone inspired to get involved in nature’s recovery.

To achieve this we need to focus our efforts on restoring high quality habitats with successfully functioning ecosystems that support a range of species. Not only do we need to continue to expand these core areas of high quality habitat, such as nature reserves, we must also set about improving the wider landscape to make it a better place for wildlife. The Trust is investing energy to inspire others to help the land in between these core areas – the farmland, gardens, parks, allotments, community areas, school grounds and even golf courses - to make them into places that can also support wildlife.

We can’t do this alone. Individuals, communities and businesses all need to get involved to help shape and care for their local environment.

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We are visionary

This strategy sets out our journey to 2030 describing how the Trust will meet environmental challenges, help nature to recover and create a wilder Staffordshire.

Our strategy for mobiles and tablets

Downloadable PDF (full size)

Our shared beliefs and values 

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust’s fundamental values and beliefs underpin our work in every respect. These are the values which all of our staff live by and set out what can be expected of the Trust.

Resourceful: Making best use of what we have, and always alive to opportunities to do things better and more efficiently.

Passionate: Making the case for valuing and protecting wildlife.

Pioneering: Using new and innovative ways to achieve our vision helping us led by example.

Welcoming, Customer focused and Inclusive: Giving our members, our supporters, customers and the wider public the best service possible.

Professional: Striving to be the best we can be in all that we do, seeking continuous improvement and benchmarking our performance 

Collaborative: Working in partnerships between staff, volunteers, members, communities, landowners, businesses and many others to achieve our vision.

Evidence-based: Based Making our case on scientific-face and interpretation.


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