Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Blogs

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A teenage boy with short brown hair sits on a bench with a camera round his neck. He smiles at the camera. He wears a grey hoodie and pale blue jeans with a black waterproof coat.

Behind the lens with nature enthusiast Alex

Alex Hiles, 13, is a budding young photographer from Newcastle-under-Lyme. He won the under 18 category in Staffordshire Wildlife Trust’s 2024 photography competition, wowing judges with his…

A small brightly marked bird with a orange chest and brown/grey/black head and striped wings - it sits on the ground among dry soil

Snow Patrol - making the most of wintry weather

As I sit here typing, momentarily pausing to gaze out of the window, there's snow on the ground. That can only mean one thing; winter is upon us. I'm a fair-weather photographer, loving…

A large white bird with a long sharp yellow bill sits on still water with its wings held up, its reflected in the dark blue water

Some Like It Hot

How is climate change linked to nature's movements? And what birds are now appearing in the UK that weren't years ago? Here our guest blogger Rob delves into this, along with the history…

A bank along a river featuring a berm, a series of cut brush woven together. The other side of the river is covered in vegetation.

All about Berms

Victoria Bunter explains how berms can help re oxygenate water and improve river habitats.

Doxey - Stafford brooks - Tom Ellis

Harnessing Nature-Based Solutions in Staffordshire

How prepared for climate change are we in Staffordshire? How can nature help us address the challenges it brings? As COP29, the UN Climate Conference, gets underway in Azerbaijan, we explore the…

A man with dark hair and glasses, wearing a navy top stands with trees and bushes behind him

What has nature ever done for us?

What does a global nature summit have to do with nature in Staffordshire? What exactly is this summit, United Nations Biodiversity COP16? And why do we need to care about nature? CEO Julian…