Highgate Common
An ancient lowland heath buzzing with rare wildlife
40 results
An ancient lowland heath buzzing with rare wildlife
Hoftens Cross Meadow Local Nature Reserve is a small, 1.4 hectare, area of meadow and scrub with open public access. The agriculturally unimproved meadow is managed for wildlife and designated a…
Actually three parcels of land; Swineholes Wood, Black Heath and Casey Bank; all within close proximity to each other
Visit the ancient woodland or take the boardwalk around the marsh for elevated views over this wetland without getting your feet wet
An important site part of the Leek Moors Site of Special Scientific Interest, South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation and the Peak District Moors Special Protected Area.
70 acres of meadows, parkland and woods just 20 minutes walk from the centre of Leek.
Discover a surprise around every corner in a unique landscape formed by retreating ice sheets at the end of the last age, 10,000 years ago
Marshes Hill Common Local Nature Reserve is all that's left of a once extensive heathland that covered the area. It is now an island of heathland with great views over the surrounding…
This small site is nestled to the south of Knypersley. It combines marshy, damp habitat with grassland, providing local nature and residents with a wildlife oasis.
A hidden gem of a reserve, with possibly the finest display of bluebells in the County
40 results