Meet the Marvellous Super Slugs and Snails
I have to admit how little I knew about slugs and snails before reading the latest Wild About Gardens guide. The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts have given these incredible creatures a reputation…
Welcome to the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust blog. Have a more personal connection with us and learn more about our relationships with projects and people.
I have to admit how little I knew about slugs and snails before reading the latest Wild About Gardens guide. The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts have given these incredible creatures a reputation…
As our climate changes, it’s more important than ever we do all we can to give nature a chance to survive. To celebrate Solitary Bee Week (1 – 7 July), and shine a light on these important…
After an initial research phase of completing surveys, contacting contractors, and deep diving into work plans, The Stafford Brooks project is ready to start the delivery of conservation works on…
Can you help bird experts learn how swifts are faring in Stafford? We welcome Clive Davies, from West Midlands Bird Club (WMBC), to tell you all about the Stafford Branch’s swift project. They’re…
A closer look at one of the UK’s most popular beetles.
Just how fast can hares go? And what’s the logic behind the saying Mad as March hare? If you’ve ever wondered what the answers are to these questions, then read on.
Feeling stressed, low on energy, or battling a case of the blues? You might be surprised to learn that your doctor's next recommendation could involve stepping outside. Green social…
Partnership work with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and CPRE Staffordshire, the countryside charity, sees a 100 metres of new hedge laid at Highgate Common Nature Reserve.
Project Officer Bryony Davison introduces the possibility of pine martens living wild in the Staffordshire Moorlands and details how she is working with landowners to gather an insight into the…
There's more to helping our feathered friends than you might think. Here's the top things to consider when feeding the birds this winter.