Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is well versed in green social prescribing and is at the forefront of this exciting movement. But how exactly can spending time in nature benefit you? This week we’re celebrating Social Prescribing Day, shining a light on it and explaining why we think more doctors should be recommending it to patients. On Wednesday 13 March, we’ll be running an online workshop for anyone who is interested in learning more about how it can help them or people they work with.
Nature as therapy: The science behind green social prescribing
Feeling stressed, anxious, or isolated? Spending time in nature has proven benefits for physical and mental wellbeing. Research shows that it can reduce stress, loneliness and anxiety, boosting mood and improving sleep quality.
Green social prescribing specifically focuses on activities that get you outdoors, reconnecting you with the natural world. The calming influence of forests, parks, and even your own local greenspace can be a powerful tool for overall well-being.