30 Days Wild

30 Days Wild

30 Days Wild

30 Days Wild is back!

Join us every June for the UK's month-long nature challenge. Can you do something wild every day in June? We believe you can! Do it for your health, wellbeing, wildlife and the planet!

Schools, students, businesses, families, Care Homes and individuals can all take part in the 30 Days Wild challenge and will receive a FREE pack when they sign up. We want everyone to take on the challenge!

Now especially it is more important than ever to make daily time for nature and share your love of wildlife; you'll feel happier, healthier and wilder for it!

Your daily Random Acts of Wildness can be anything you like - litter-picking, birdwatching, a picnic, you name it! But to help you on your way, The Wildlife Trusts will also provide you with a FREE postal or digital pack of goodies to inspire your wild month - including an activity passport and a wallchart to track your progress.

A massive thank you to all those who signed up for 30 Days Wild 2020. We had over 3,000 of you take part which is our most successful year to date! We hope you will join us again this year for another wild June!

Sign ups open 

30 Days Wild

Credit: Dani Cox 

Go wild this June!

This June, take the challenge in 2020 and do one wild thing every day! 

What is 30 DAYS Wild?

It’s easy! We want you to do something wild every day throughout June: that’s 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness. And there's so much to do and see in Staffordshire!

Back for its seventh year, 30 Days Wild brings people closer to nature where they live, taking small actions that can collectively have a big impact! From little things such as watching a bee from your window or feeding the birds, to giving up single-use plastics for a month or creating a haven for pollinators in your garden: every Random Act of Wildness counts. If you want to see what others are getting up to, just check out #30DaysWild on social media.

Why sign up?

While nature needs us more than ever, the reverse is also true. We’re all part of nature, and it should be a part of our lives. Over the past five years, we've been working with the University of Derby to find out about the impact that 30 Days Wild has on participants. The results show that people feel happier and healthier after taking part, and for months after too!

Sign up 


30 days wild pack

30 Days Wild Pack

When you sign up for 30 Days Wild, you’ll receive our pack of wild goodies, plus lots of ideas from your Wildlife Trust to inspire you to go wild and help you plan your month. You’ll have a wallchart, wildlife bingo, an activity passport and a nature table template. We’ll send you lots more resources leading up to June too, from instructions for baking hedgehog cupcakes to a beginner’s guide to wildlife photography.

Shut your eyes to listen to bird song. Take a wild walk at lunchtime. Lie back in the long grass. Search out urban wildlife. Use wild ingredients to mix a wild cocktail. There are so many ways to go wild. 

You can share all the things you do with us on social media using #30DaysWild along with thousands of other people taking part

Get your free pack

Random Acts of Wildness - ideas

Your 30 Days Wild pack will contain lots of ideas on how you can get wild but whilst you wait for it to arrive, see a teaser of what Random Acts of Wildness you could do below. Further ideas here


It's so easy to bring a little bit of wild into your everyday life....

There are a range of packs available for those who sign up 

school pack


Spend 30 wild days with your school this June!

Whether you take class outdoors or bring the wild indoors, making nature part of school life can open up new ways of learning and engagement for your pupils!

Find out more about our Schools Pack!

Sign up
Business pack


Make your office, shop or work place wild!

Whether you walk to work, schedule a meeting in the sunshine or take a lunch break outside, making nature part of your work life can improve your health & wellbeing!

Find our more about our Businesses Pack

Sign ups open
30 Days Wild care home pack


We are excited to bring back our 30 Days Wild Care Home Packs for the 3rd year 

The benefits of spending time in nature are especially important for the elderly and vulnerable, who can suffer from anxiety and confusion, and can feel disconnected from friends, family and the community beyond their care home. Even a little time spent in nature can decrease feelings of stress, depression and bewilderment. Nature has so many stimuli that will help improve cognitive function, and aid sensory and reminiscence therapy.

Sign ups open

Big Wild Weekend 18th-19th June

Take part in our Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

Credit: © David Tipling - 2020VISION

Big Wild Weekend

The middle weekend of 30 Days Wild (18th-20th June) is our Big Wild Weekend which aims to help you to discover and enjoy your local wildlife. For the weekend we are running our Big Weekend Wildlife Watch where we will be asking people to head outdoors in their garden or local green space and spot species around Staffordshire and send in their findings to us. Some species can even be spotted from out your window at home. Those who sign up will receive a booklet with a tick list of species we want you to spot in Staffordshire along with some handy tips on how to spot them.  Nature is under threat and your help surveying will allow us to review the state of Staffordshire's wildlife and what species need our support the most. We are counting on you Wildlife Explorers! 

Sign ups opening soon!

30 Days Wild app

30 Days Wild is a fun and simple app, available on iPhone and Android. It offers 101 ‘Random Acts of Wildness’ for inspiration, enabling you to select wildlife activity ideas from beautifully photographed wildlife cards. You can share activities and inspiration on social media, through direct messaging or email.

Download the app

30 Days Wild app

Be wild all year round

Becoming a member is just one of the ways you can be wild all year round. Further detials on how to go wild all year round can be found here 

Curlew can be found at Black Brook

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