What's the partnership is about
The South West Peak Landscape Partnership is a group of organisations including Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, working to restore, protect, and improve the landscape of the South West Peak with support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
As part of the SWPLP, a number of partnerships will be delivered to benefit people, communities, natural and cultural heritage in the south western part of the Peak District National Park.

With the Peak District National Park Authority as lead partner and with the support of The National Lottery Heritage Fund this 5-year scheme (with benefits reaching far beyond that time) will work with local communities to build stronger connections with the landscape and with each other. The Partnership aims to enhance ecosystem services, the benefits we all get from the natural environment, and support sustainable farming in the area. You can find out more about the partnership here or read about some of the partnership projects below.

Credit: Andy Kirkland
Crayfish in Crisis
Protecting the endangered White-Clawed Crayfish by finding new habitats for them to call home. The White-Clawed Crayfish is one of the UK’s largest freshwater invertebrates and is an important part of our water systems. This often invisible and largely defenceless species is globally endangered due to non-native competitors joining the pool and widespread habitat loss.

Image by kevin Palmer
Roaches Gateway
Repairing and improving footpaths and stone walls at the iconic and beautiful Roaches. The iconic Roaches offers stunning views of the South West Peak and beyond; with a clear day showing views of Snowdonia! Pressure from the popularity of the Roaches and weather erosion has put these habitats in jeopardy.

Working for Waders
Helping the recovery of wading birds through habitat management and monitoring. Populations of lapwing, curlew and snipe have declined at an alarming rate over the last 30 years and despite many years of effort more work is needed to reverse these startling declines. Working for Waders brings together a programme of work to support the recovers of breeding wader populations in the South West Peak.

Encouraging a life-long love of the outdoors in children through outdoor play activities. Wildchild is actively working to reconnect children and their families with the landscape of the South West Peak and areas further afield through encouraging exploration and playing outside. Being immersed in the outdoors at a young age will help to create positive experiences and an appreciation for natural heritage and landscapes.Sessions are held at Lyme Park and The Roaches!