Planning advice for developers
As a developer, there are lots of things that you can do to accommodate wildlife on your site.
The Trust can advise you on getting the best for wildlife in your development
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust can offer advice at any stage on how you can avoid problems and maximise the wildlife in your development. Email or call 01889 880122 for information on how we can help.
Staffordshire Ecological Record can provide information on the habitats and species on your site (there is a fee for commercial work). It's also worthwhile checking if there have been any previous applications in the nearby area as environmental surveys may have already been done that will provide a useful reference source.
You could also talk to local residents to gain information that could be relevant to your application, such as any flooding issues or wildlife sightings
Commissioning an ecological consultant
If you need to commission the services of an ecology consultant, for example for a protected species survey, visit the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) webpage or ENDS Directory to find a reputable consultant.

Further information
The following links offer a variety of information to help you.
The Wildlife Trusts Guide to planning
The Biodiversity Planning Toolkit
Interactive map providing geographic information about the natural environment
Working with the grain of nature: a biodiversity strategy for England
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Information on European Protected Species