People of Staffordshire invited to take part in 30-day nature challenge

People of Staffordshire invited to take part in 30-day nature challenge

Get inspiration to do one wild thing a day in June 2023

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is calling all Staffordshire nature enthusiasts and adventurers to reconnect with nature and make a positive impact on the environment this June.

30 Days Wild is an extraordinary national initiative funded by The People’s Postcode Lottery. It’s designed to inspire residents, schools, care homes, and businesses across the country to gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world on their doorstep. Throughout June (30 days), participants are encouraged to take one small action for nature each day, creating a collective ripple effect that can transform our environment for the better.

Participants get a free physical or digital pack when they sign up. These packs are brimming with exciting resources, each designed to spark curiosity and inspire creativity. They are a treasure trove of simple ideas, tips, and suggestions for daily nature-based activities.

Participants will be encouraged to go outdoors, whether it's their local park, garden or backyard, to embark on a journey of discovery. From observing the mesmerising flight of butterflies to creating miniature wildlife habitats, the possibilities are endless. The challenge is suitable for all ages and abilities, providing a chance for families, colleagues and communities to get together to enjoy connecting with nature.

Alexis Johnson Wild Wellbeing Lead at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, expressed her excitement ahead of this year's event:

"30 Days Wild is an chance of adventure, which allows us to rediscover the beauty and importance of the natural world. By taking part in this challenge, together we can make a real difference to our local wildlife while enjoying the many physical, mental, and emotional benefits that nature brings us.

“We invite everyone in Staffordshire to join us this June to experience the sheer joy of connecting with the great outdoors.

Whether it's planting wildflowers, recycling, or simply spending time in nature, every small action contributes to the larger mission of protecting and preserving our planet.”

To get involved and receive your free 30 Days Wild pack, visit the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust website at:


An illustration showing wildlife pack contents- a wall calendar a bee poster. The text reads 'Join  us for 30 Days Wild and get your FREE pack!'