Wetley Moor Common

Wetley moor common - @TomEllisPhotography

Wetley moor common -@TomEllisphotography

Wetley Moor Common

Around 70 hectares of the common is SSSI lowland heathland, making it the perfect place for bird spotting.


Wetley Moor
Armshead Road
Near Armshead
A static map of Wetley Moor Common

Know before you go

118 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Car park - maximum of 12 vehicles

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Generally flat but can be uneven and boggy in places.


Main access is from the car park on Armshead Road. There are other foot access points at Washerwall Lane, Jack Haye Lane and Eaves Lane.


Under effective control

Please keep dogs close to you, preferably on a lead, especially between April and July when many birds are nesting on or close to the ground - do not let it chase or worry wildlife. Put all dog waste in the bins where provided or take it home.



Picnic area
Accessible trails

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to October

About the reserve

A spring visit is the best time to hear the unmistakable song of the skylark.

This site covers 70 hectares of lowland heathland SSSI set within ancient Common land.  Early records from 1220 indicate links to Abbey Hulton. There is a history of Millstone grit quarrying and coal mining dating from 1698. Now heathland with a mix of heather, purple moor grass and gorse.  Look and listen for whitethroat, linnet, reed bunting, meadow pipits and sometimes grasshopper warblers. Patches of peripheral scrub support willow tit too.

Contact us

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01889880100
cotton grass- Tom Ellis

Share your thoughts

Find out more about Wetley Moor Common and share your thoughts on the management options available in our online consultation form. 

Wetley Moor Common Consultation 2023
Meadow Pipit - Tom Ellis

Meadow Pipit - Tom Ellis

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