Packed half-term schedule at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Packed half-term schedule at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is offering a whole host of wild activities during the February half-term to encourage youngsters to discover the delights of the natural world.

The Trust wants families to beat the winter blues by running an action packed programme of events throughout the week.

The county’s largest nature conservation charity is keen to tell people across the Staffordshire that there are plenty of activities to attend outdoors, even during winter.

At the Trust’s Wolseley Centre headquarters, near Rugeley, there are a range of events taking place, including Children's Trails, Wildskills, Superworm Tadpole Tales, Wildlings sessions and to celebrate National Nestbox Week there are Wildfamilies Explore and Bird Craft drop in sessions. 

Across in Stoke-on-Trent, including the charity’s Westport Lake Visitor Centre, events include Wildlings, Yoga, Wildfamilies and Bushcraft events.

There will also be a variety of events taking place across some of the Trust reserves, including Hem Heath Woods and Parrot’s Drumble, in Stoke-on-Trent and Highgate Common, near Wombourne.

Aimee Burrows, Wildchild Officer for Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, said: “We know that winter can be a time when people stay indoors, but our half-term activities highlight there’s plenty to do outdoors and are the perfect opportunity for youngsters and families to get wild.

“Some of our events throughout February are ‘Winter Blues Busting’ and are fun and exciting to get young people outdoors and interested in the natural world.”  

Events can be booked online at