Big Weekend Wildlife Watch Results

Big weekend wildlife watch

Big Weekend Wildlife Watch Results

Hello Wildlife Explorer!

Thanks for taking part in our Big Weekend Wildlife Watch survey that takes place over 30 Days Wild's Big Wild Weekend on 18th-20th June.

With the weather set to be poor over the weekend, we are welcoming records to be sent in of wildlife spotted up until the 5th July so there is plenty of time to get outdoors and start recording what wildlife you see.

To take part, you will need to download your booklet below, print and fold it and then head out to your local green space and start looking out for our species. Super lucky explorers may even spot one of our gold star species, which are rare and very special to see! Look for species in your garden, local outdoor space and some you can even spot from looking out your window at home! 

If you don't have a printer, you can view the booklet on your phone or tablet and make notes in a notebook or piece of paper of which species you spot; including information such as location spotted, number of a particular species seen, the date and a time. 

Once you've finished exploring, you can submit your results by filling in the form linked below (using the information you've recorded in your booklet / note book). The web address on the back of your booklet will also take you to the form where you can submit your results. 

We would like all results submitted by 5th July 2021

Working with Staffordshire Ecological Record, your results will help us to assess the state of Staffordshire's wildlife which is very important as it allows us to see which species need our support when mapping out the county. Thank you very much for your support and happy exploring and recording!

Download your booklet

Click on the links below to open the booklet designs and then right click once opened to save them to your computer. To create your A5 booklet, you'll need to print and fold it and put it together. Don't worry, its super simple!  If you don't have a printer, you can view the booklet on your phone or tablet and make notes in a notebook or piece of paper on what wildlife you managed to spot!

BWWW Booklet 1a

BWWW Booklet - 1b

BWWW Booklet 2a

BWWW Booklet 2b


  • Firstly, print document 1a (file names are all labelled) onto A4 paper, then flip it over once printed and put it back into your printer and print on the back of it document 1b. 
  • Now, get another sheet of A4 paper and print on it document 2a. Flip it over once printed and print on the back of it document 2b - all printing is complete you just need to fold your booklet now!
  • Put the first piece of paper you printed on, on the table (with the images of species facing upwards) landscape orientation and place the second piece of paper you printed on, on top of it again, landscape orientation. With one document on top of the other, create a fold down the middle by bringing the left side over to the right to make an A5 booklet. You can staple down the middle of the booklet to keep the pages together or use a paperclip or even a bit of glue :) You could also make a hole/s and thread through and tie some string. 

Watch the video below if you get stuck with folding! We put the video together for last years booklet but this years design looks very similar so it should still help you

Filling in your booklet

It is really important for us that you complete / record all the information asked for in the booklet for your results to be valid as a recording. 

So please note where and when you saw a particular species, how many of that species you spotted, the time and date. If you are filling in the booklet to keep a note of what you spotted, we have left clearly labelled spaces to help and remind you to record this information.

When submitting your results, there is space on the form linked below to note any other cool species you spot that are not listed in the booklet (don't forget to note where, when and how many of these species you spotted too). You can also submit photos along with your results, this is especially useful if you see a particular species and you are not sure what it is but want to submit it as a recording. 

Please tag us in photos and videos on social media as you are out exploring too using the hashtags #BWWW and #30DaysWild  

Our social media pages are below 




Bird watching

Credit Ben Hall/2020VISION

Submitting your results

You can fill in the form linked below to transfer and submit your results 

We would like your results submitted by 5th July

We'll be running our Big Weekend Wildlife Watch over the Big Wild Weekend for 30 Days Wild again next year, we hope you will take part again and enjoyed it!

We will be picking a lucky winner from those that submit results who will receive a species ID guide. Sign up here to take part in the Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

Credit: Â© David Tipling - 2020VISION