Learn more about curlews at Roaches walk

Learn more about curlews at Roaches walk

People are being invited to learn more about one of one of our unmistakable birds at an iconic nature reserve in Staffordshire.

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2019 and has organised several events throughout the year to mark the occasion.

One of which will be a ‘Curlew Walk’ at the Roaches, near Leek on Wednesday 5th June.

The walk will begin from Roaches gate to the wet grasslands that support the curlews in and around the Roaches.

As well as looking for the iconic upland breeding bird, there will also be a discussion on curlew natural history and listening for their unmistakable ‘cur-lee’call.

There will also be the chance to spot several other moorland species, which live on or close to The Roaches.

Jon Rowe, Roaches Warden for Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, who will lead the walk, said: “Curlews can be heard and seen from February through to July on their breeding grounds and this walk will allow people to see and hear them at a fantastic reserve at The Roaches.

“Curlews are the UK’s largest wading bird, but numbers have declined dramatically in the past 50 years, especially in the lowlands. Thankfully they appear to be holding on in the uplands of the Peak District and we even had them breeding last year on Trust land.

“This walk, while giving people a chance to see the iconic species, will also allow them to learn more about curlews and what they need to thrive.

“We might see or hear other upland species such as red grouse, snipe, cuckoo or stonechat too.”

The walk takes place on Wednesday 5th June between 6.30pm to 9pm and costs £5 per person. To book a place online head to https://www.staffs-wildlife.org.uk/events/2019-06-05-roaches-curlew-walk