State of Staffordshire's Nature report
In 2016 we put a report together alongside Staffordshire Ecological Record. It was the first “stocktake” of species and habitats found across the county and brought together data and expertise from dozens of individuals and organisations, providing an update on how wildlife is faring across the county in the hope that action will be taken to improve conditions.
What the report is about
Across the UK, increasing demands on our natural environment have led to a significant decline in biodiversity.
Staffordshire is no exception and has suffered losses of habitats and species through increasing pressures including changes in land use and pollution. 8.7% of Staffordshire is covered by a nature conservation or geological designation,but only 32% of our most important, nationally designated sites (SSSIs) are in favourable condition.
Less than half of Local Wildlife Sites are considered to be in appropriate conservation management.
Without collective action we will continue to see the loss of wildlife-rich habitats and the decline of species.

The State of Staffordshire’s nature report has been produced by a partnership of organisations, with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust acting as joint publisher with Staffordshire Ecological Record.
The project was led by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust with the support of a steering group, with significant advice and input from a wider partnership of organisations and specialist groups, some of whom were also chapter authors.
To see a full list of partners and to read the report, click here
You can also download the full technical report below
State of Staffordshire's Nature Report (Compact version)
State of Staffordshire's Nature Report (Technical version)
The launch of the report
Stop press
Our report gained a lot of interest from the press and public, you can read more on the below links.