What we do

We we are

Credit: Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

What we do

Let's jump right in....

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust has been working to protect the wildlife and wild places where you live for over 50 years. We are the county's leading nature conservation charity. Find out more below about what we do and join us in looking after Staffordshire's wildlife and wild places! 

The Stunning Roaches Nature Reserve

We protect and restore wildlife

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust carries out conservation projects all over the county to protect and restore our special landscapes and wildlife. Our vision is to create a Staffordshire where nature thrives and inspires.

We work with partners and communities to improve the wider landscape to make it a better place for wildlife. As well as continuing to protect and expand core areas of high quality habitat, such as nature reserves, the Trust is investing energy into the land in between these core areas – the farmland, gardens, parks, allotments, community areas, school grounds and even golf courses - to make them into places that  can support wildlife.

Protecting wildlife and wild places

Read more about our conservation work
Doxey Marshes - reeds

Nature reserve stewards


How Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is working to create more nature rich spaces

We work in many different areas to achieve our vision.

  • Our conservation team carries out conservation work to protect threatened species and habitats, keep up-to-date records of wild species populations and safeguard wild places from development.
  • We manage 45 nature reserves across the county for the benefit of wildlife and people, totalling over 4,900 acres. Our reserves include lush wetlands, wild open moorlands and peaceful woodlands. We are working to create links and corridors in the wider landscape between these areas of high quality habitat, so wild populations do not become isolated and can expand and thrive.
  • Our education and community engagement team work with people of all ages and backgrounds to encourage them to explore, learn about and connect with the natural world. We visit schools, run hundreds of family events, help communities make their local areas better for wildlife and stage walks, talks and volunteering events so people can get involved in local wildlife.  

We need wildlife and wildlife needs people

We bring people and wildlife together in harmony. We educate people on wildlife and create opportunities where people can get close to nature and feel inspired by their local wild places. Offering volunteering, educational and events programmes are a big part of our work. What we do would not be possible without our fabulous members who support us along our journey of work. People are crucial to making Living Landscape schemes work, and to be successful, individuals, communities and businesses all need to get involved to help shape and care for their local environment.

Working with people

Working with people

Get invovled

We Campaign

We raise awareness of key wildlife issues from the General Election in 2024, to the Environmental Act and the Badger Cull. Connecting people with nature is also a big part of our campaign work, one of our most popular yearly engagement initiatives is 30 Days Wild, which we run every June. In 2024, over 2,000 people enjoyed going wild for 30 days. Find out more about how you can help support us with our campaigns and get involved. 

Badgers - donate to appeal

Our campaigns

Act now

We advise

Inappropriate development can have a significant impact on wildlife; while considerate planning can help protect, enhance and even create new habitats.

With ever increasing development pressures across Staffordshire, we are working to ensure that wildlife and valuable habitats are fully considered within the planning system. Staffordshire Wildlife Trust gives wildlife a voice


We advise on planning developments

Find out more

The bigger picture

Part of The Wildlife Trusts

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is part of The Wildlife Trusts, the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the full range of the UK's habitats and species whether they be in the countryside, in cities or at sea.

There are 46 local Wildlife Trusts across the UK, the Isle of Man and Alderney. Together, as a network, we have protected more than 95,000 hectares of land for wildlife - woods, meadows, lakes, hills, beaches and urban nature reserves and have 130 visitor and education centres across the U.K.

To find out more, visit the Wildlife Trusts website.

Our network

Discover the difference we are making

What impact is The Wildlife Trusts movement having?

In the annual Impact Report 2022-2023 you can find out how we're progressing towards our 2030 strategy goals. There are key statistics, stories and highlights - from the area of land we manage and influence for wildlife, to measuring the impact of volunteering on peoples' mental health.

View the impact report

Like what you hear? Get more involved...

There are many ways to get involved with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, from becoming a member to volunteering. 


Become a member
Churnet Vally volunteering

Credit: Ed Marshall