Your support matters
From becoming a member to running a marathon and fundraising for us, there are lots of ways you can help Staffordshire Wildlife Trust to look after the wildlife and wild places in your county.

Credit: Nick Upton
Be part of something special
Our network
There are 46 Wildlife Trusts covering the whole of the UK - usually one per county. Everybody's experience with wildlife is personal and joining your local Wildlife Trust can help you to discover more about nature in your local area.
By becoming a member of Staffordshire Wildlife Trust your money will help look after the wildlife and wild places in your local area, and will support your Trust in their work to inspire people about nature, including working with local schools and communities.

Together we make a difference
The Wildlife Trusts network of 46 Trusts with your support, have:
- Protected more than 95,000 hectares of land for wildlife - woods, meadows, lakes, hills, beaches and urban nature reserves.
- 130 visitor and education centres where people can learn about nature
- Reached around half a million children through our education work, junior membership and nature clubs
- Run marine conservation projects around the coast and stand up for the wildlife that lives in our seas.
Be part of something special, join your local Trust, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Credit: Frank Noon
Nature needs us and we need it
"The Wildlife Trusts play a very important part in protecting our natural heritage. I would encourage anyone to join them" Sir David Attenborough.
Wildlife needs you
Staffordshire's Wildlife and wild places need your support
Leave a lasting gift to wildlife
You can help to make sure Staffordshire's beautiful wildlife and wild places can be enjoyed by future generations for years to come by leaving a gift in your Will.
We need help to raise money for specific wildlife and wild places projects. See our current appeals below.

A species rich flower meadow by Christine Harding
Kickstart Nature's Recovery
Help nature recover
Photo by Andrew Parkinson 2020vision