Wildlife warning as nature goes up in smoke

Wildlife warning as nature goes up in smoke

Rob Kirkpatrick

Public urged to pack a picnic this weekend, not a BBQ.

Following a series of wildfires around the country in the last ten days which have killed wild animals and destroyed large swathes of key nature reserves, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust are issuing a warning ahead of this weekend’s bank holiday.  

A prolonged spell without rain means many heathlands, moorlands and grasslands are ‘tinder dry’, catching fire from the tiniest hot ember or spark.

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust are asking visitors of the countryside to:  

  • Pack a picnic, not a BBQ 
  • Only light BBQs or campfires in authorised locations where there are fire extinguishers available 
  • Extinguish cigarettes or matches and never throw them onto the ground 
  • Take litter home because discarded bottles and cans can cause fires  
  • If you spot smoke, or flames, make sure you’re safe and dial 999 immediately 


Jeff Sims, Head of Nature Reserves and Species Recovery at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust says:  

“We are in a climate and nature emergency. Our landscapes are under more pressure than ever before as temperatures rise and changing weather patterns mean they are more susceptible to wildfires. A BBQ or stray cigarette may set light to a much-loved beauty spot leading to destruction that takes decades to repair.” 

“Too often a care-free day out can turn into tragedy when wildlife and precious habitat are devastated by wildfires caused by careless behaviour. We want everyone to enjoy our wonderful wild places – please join us in taking care of them and acting responsibly.” 

The Wildlife Trusts welcome a recently commissioned Government review into the involvement of disposable barbecues in wildfires.