Trust reminds people to stay local to enjoy nature in Lockdown 3

Trust reminds people to stay local to enjoy nature in Lockdown 3

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is reminding people to stay local to enjoy nature during the latest national lockdown.

The Trust is reminding people from across the county that access to the natural world is so important to help with physical and mental health, especially during the latest national lockdown.

The charity is keeping its 30 nature reserves open to visit for people to get closer to nature and enjoy the fresh air. However, they want people to remain local and not drive long distances to reserves.  The Lockdown rules on exercising state we should all avoid travelling outside of the village, town or the part of a city where we live.

People should only visit reserves with members of their household, support bubbles or one other person as stated in the current government guidelines.

Several studies have shown heading outside just once daily can have a positive impact on both physical and mental wellbeing. The importance of the natural world was emphasised more than ever in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

A Trust spokesman said: “We know that now, more than ever before, heading outside to enjoy the natural world is so important.

“We want people to make sure they get outside for their daily exercise but to remain local.

“We would also advise people to observe social distancing and check government guidance, such as washing or sanitizing hands before and after touching gates.”

To find your local reserve visit