Our local leaders need to do more to support nature recovery. Nature is not a luxury: we need functioning natural systems in order to live. We depend on nature for fertile soil, food security, clean air and water. Without it we have no future.Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
Trust asks candidates to support its Manifesto for Nature
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust has published a Manifesto for Nature containing five key pledges for those standing in the upcoming Borough, District and Unitary Authority elections. At a time when multiple species are at risk of extinction, change is needed. Decades of habitat loss and plummeting wildlife populations have resulted in a county, and country, devoid of nature. Here in Staffordshire many species have been lost and more soon will be. Even the humble hedgehog is at risk of extinction. The Trust wants candidates to show their support for wildlife by backing five manifesto pledges as part of their election campaign. Committing to these crucial actions and joining the effort to bring much-loved nature back. |
The five pledges candidates are being asked to support are:
Tackling the nature crisis
Building bigger and better quality habitats that are joined up, a vision called a Nature Recovery Network. To achieve this, each authority should have up-to-date habitat maps, and these should be fundamental to the Local Plan, ensuring that there are dedicated, joined-up spaces for nature as well as housing, industrial areas and other land uses.
Putting nature at the heart of all decision making
Pushing for ambitious and measurable targets to restore nature in their area. Making sure the UK’s COP15 commitment to ensure 30 per cent of land is protected for nature by 2030 becomes a reality.
Back development that is good for people and nature
Development should result in more nature not less. Implementing policies to deliver a minimum of 10 per cent net gain for nature for all eligible development, meaning what is lost plus another 10 per cent is re-created. Ensuring developments include wildlife-rich community spaces and sustainable features, such as rainwater harvesting.
Recognise the value of nature for health and wellbeing
Making sure every resident has access to nature-rich wild places within walking distance of their home. Pushing for urban greenspaces and long-term funding for green prescribing programmes to benefit community mental health and wellbeing.
Let nature help tackle the climate crisis
Calling for investment into nature-based solutions which can address and reduce climate change impacts. These measures should be a key part of the Local Plan, providing resilience to communities at risk of extreme weather events.

Hedgehog by Tom Marshall
Liz Peck, Advocacy and Campaigns Manager, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, said: “Our wildlife numbers are plummeting with 15 per cent of our species now facing extinction. For example, our humble hedgehog could be lost forever if things don’t change.
“Our local leaders need to do more to support nature recovery. Nature is not a luxury: we need functioning natural systems in order to live. We depend on nature for fertile soil, food security, clean air and water. Without it we have no future.
“Our vision is for towns, cities and rural communities that are abundant in nature, where once threatened species are now thriving again and every resident has access to wild greenspaces where they can exercise and unwind in their neighbourhood.
“That’s why we’re calling on all candidates standing in the election to support our Manifesto and make their area into a healthier, happier, more secure and sustainable place to live. If we act together now, we can put nature into recovery.
“To do that, we need councillors of all parties from all across Staffordshire to support our vision. They must show voters they understand what’s at stake, and that they’re committed to turning things around.”
The charity is encouraging all candidates to pledge their support for the manifesto, voters will be able to see candidates' responses (along with the manifesto) online.