Thousands of Staffordshire nature records made in worldwide wildlife spotting competition

Thousands of Staffordshire nature records made in worldwide wildlife spotting competition

Staffordshire Ecological Records (SER) and Staffordshire Wildlife Trust have thanked people across the county who rallied to record wildlife sightings for the 2023 City Nature Challenge.
Even though the challenge is over, we always need nature records to help us better understand where wildlife is thriving, and where numbers are lacking. This data is essential in our work to protect nature.
George Godson-Wood
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

3,955 observations were made during the challenge’s four days (Friday 28 April to Monday 1 May). This was the first time Staffordshire has taken part in the annual competition, where people all over the world compete to see how many wild species can be seen.

135 people took part in Staffordshire, recording 810 different species, including miniscule springtails as well as common lizards, peregrine falcons and zebra jumping spiders (see photos).

The county placed eighth out of the 11 UK places that took part, and 114th out of the 492 places worldwide that took part.

George Godson-Wood, Ecological Data Officer for SER, said: “Thank you to everyone who took part in this fun nature counting challenge. We’ve had some great feedback about how enjoyable it was and how it’s helped people learn how to identify many more species, as the app can be used to identify what you’ve found.

“Even though the challenge is over, we always need nature records to help us better understand where wildlife is thriving, and where numbers are lacking. This data is essential in our work to protect nature. 

“We’d encourage people to continue counting – simply download the free iRecord or iNaturalist app to your phone or tablet, or use their websites to record sightings. Or you can report sightings directly to SER on our website