Residents invited to discuss use for land behind Doxey Primary School

Residents invited to discuss use for land behind Doxey Primary School

Sue Kneill-Boxley

Residents of Doxey in Stafford are invited to put forward their ideas, at a public meeting to be held at Doxey Primary School at 3:30pm on Wednesday 18th January, to transform a disused piece of land behind the school.

The space, which provides a gateway into Doxey Marshes, an area of Special Scientific Interest, used to be a hub of community activity but has fallen into disuse in recent years.  Stafford Borough Council’s Streetscene, local Cllr Tony Pearce and Staffordshire Wildlife Trust’s Nextdoor Nature initiative, are supporting a number of local organisations, including Doxey Parish Council, Doxey Primary School, Doxey Friends and Doxey Church Youth Club, to come together to help breathe new life into the patch and turn it into a haven for people and wildlife.

Chris Shirley, Doxey parish councillor, said:

“This is the last piece of recreational ground left in Doxey for residents of the wider diverse community families to be able to enjoy safely. Many football games were played on this ground and enjoyed by all ages for many years. The Nextdoor Nature project provides a chance for the wider communities of Doxey to take ownership of this area and have a very strong presence and input to its development."

The Nextdoor Nature programme is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and works to empower communities in the Stafford wards of Doxey and Castletown, Common, Coton, Highfields and Western Downs, Forebridge and Penkside to revitalise their green spaces to give local families a space to enjoy in which nature can thrive.

For further information about the meeting, Keith Allen can be contacted on

For further information about Nextdoor Nature, please contact Sue Kneill-Boxley on or 07498972878.


Google maps screen cap of the area behind the school

Google Earth Images