Over 2,500 people from Staffordshire sign up to 30 Days Wild challenge

Over 2,500 people from Staffordshire sign up to 30 Days Wild challenge

Over 2,500 people in Staffordshire have signed up to a challenge to carry out a daily nature activity during June.

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust has been asking people across the county to sign up to this year’s 30 Days Wild, and has been delighted with the response.

The figure is up by 500 on last year’s total number of sign ups for the challenge, which is now in its sixth year.

30 Days Wild encourages people to do something wild every day during June, from planting wildflower seeds, hugging a tree, to going on a nature walk or watching the sunset.

Many of those who have signed up have been sharing what they have been up to on social media using the hashtag #30DaysWild.

Jon Owen, Press and Social Media Officer for Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, said: “We’re so pleased so many people have taken up the challenge and signed up to take part in 30 Days Wild.

“They will have received an email pack welcoming them to 30 Days Wild, giving them inspiration on how they can take part and suggestions of things to do.

“It’s obviously a strange time for everyone at the moment, but we have been encouraged by how many people have become reconnected with nature during the past few months.

“30 Days Wild gives people a great chance to engage with nature and enjoy the many benefits it brings, from helping with people’s mental health to improving fitness.

“We hope everyone continues to enjoy 30 Days Wild and would love to see what people get up to via www.twitter.com/StaffsWildlife and using the hashtag #30DaysWild.”