We are currently engaging with a number of local authorities around the county to encourage them to adopt a motion for nature's recovery, and next year we hope to get South Staffordshire Council on board with this too. The benefits will go further than helping wildlife - making places more beautiful and healthy to live, storing carbon and supporting landowners as well.Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
More Action for Nature needed in South Staffordshire Local Plan
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, which is supported by over 18,000 members across the county, has contributed to the Preferred Options consultation on South Staffordshire Council’s new Local Plan. This has gathered views on how the area should grow and develop up to 2038, to inform the final plan which will be consulted upon in summer 2022. In its response, the Trust has welcomed steps towards greener policies, but has recommended further actions. The Trust believes these actions are essential to help nature recover, people access greenspaces, and fight the climate emergency in South Staffordshire:
Kate Dewey, The Trust’s Senior Planning Officer, said: “In addition to the climate emergency, we are facing a nature crisis, with many wild species facing huge declines or even extinction due to threats to their habitats and habitat isolation. We also know that now more than ever we need nature: for our mental and physical wellbeing, and to tackle threats like flooding, heatwaves and air pollution that we are seeing much more of. “We’re keen to continue working with South Staffordshire Council to integrate nature’s recovery more fully within the Local Plan and across all policy areas. “We are currently engaging with a number of local authorities around the county to encourage them to adopt a motion for nature's recovery, and next year we hope to get South Staffordshire Council on board with this too. The benefits will go further than helping wildlife - making places more beautiful and healthy to live, storing carbon and supporting landowners as well.” You can view the Trust’s full response to the South Staffordshire Local Plan Consultation at www.staffs-wildlife.org.uk/what-we-do/planning-advice |