Learn to record nature for free with Lichfield Wildlife Group

Learn to record nature for free with Lichfield Wildlife Group

Lichfield Wildlife Group are running two workshops in April to teach people how to use the iNaturalist app for City Nature Challenge 2024.

The local Staffordshire Wildlife Trust support group in Lichfield are hosting two workshops to train members of the public on how to use the iNaturalist app for identifying and recording wildlife during the upcoming City Nature Challenge.

The challenge takes place from Friday 26 April to Monday 29 of April. It depends on thousands of members of the public making ecological records of the wild plants, animals, insects and fungi they spot by taking photos and uploading them onto the app. The app is free to use and can help identify the species found. All records made during the last weekend in April will be shared with Staffordshire Ecological Records, the county’s recording body and local organiser for City Nature Challenge.

Linda Norbury from Lichfield Local Group, says:

“We’re excited to provide an opportunity to help those who want to take part in the challenge but may not know where to start with using the app. Citizen science projects, like City Nature Challenge, enable everyone to help gather vital data to help experts better understand wildlife. Recording common species like robins, or garden bumblebees, is just as important as recording rare ones. You do not need to be a wildlife expert as the iNauralist app will help you identify what you see. So please join us to get ready for this year’s challenge.”

The iNaturalist training workshops take place on Thursday, 18 of April; and Saturday, 20 April from 2pm – 4pm at College Hall in Lichfield Cathedral. Places are free but must be booked with the group by contacting Linda on 01543 257812 or via email: P_L_norbury@hotmail.com.

18 of  April session details

20 of April session details

A hand with green painted nails holds a mobile phone in front of a sedge plant to photograph it

Christine Harding SWT