Help a family in need with nature themed activity pack

Help a family in need with nature themed activity pack

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is asking for people to make a difference to families in need by donating money to provide them with nature themed activity packs.

The charity is raising funds to enable them to donate Nature Packs to families in need via local foodbanks.

A one-off donation of just £3.50 will pay for one seasonal pack of activities to go to a family in Staffordshire. The nature packs are packed full of ideas of how to enjoy, identify and protect local wildlife.

Katie Shipley, People Engagement Manager for Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, said: “These exciting activity packs contain lots of nature themed activities that can be done at home, in a garden or on a local walk.

“They provide inspiration for families to connect with nature and improve their mental health and wellbeing. These packs are distributed to families most in need in Staffordshire via food banks and community projects. 

“Families across the county should all have the chance to get closer to nature and these packs will allow them to do that. So, we are asking if people can help us to keep this project going by offering to buy a pack for a family in need.”

To find out more and how to donate, visit