We can’t wait to welcome many more local children, so they can enjoy spending quality time outside playing while surrounded by the magical nature of this woodland.Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
Free woodland fun for Stoke-on-Trent children and families
The Trust’s Wildlings sessions begin on Thursday 3 April, from 10.30am to 12pm. They will take place once a month on the first Thursday for the next year, with sessions on Thursday 1 May and 1 June also already open for bookings.
The Trust will also run Wildfamilies events during school holidays throughout the year. The sessions enable families to learn and play together; increasing confidence outdoors, and a connection to nature which is good for wellbeing. Activities may include anything from mud play, natural craft to campfire cooking.
Wildlings activities are suitable for children aged six months to five years, while Wildfamilies is suitable for all ages.
Aimee Burrows, Wildchild and Engagement Lead at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, says:
“We’re thrilled to be back at Hem Heath to run these sessions. Previous funding allowed us to host them here and they proved very popular. We can’t wait to welcome many more local children, so they can enjoy spending quality time outside playing while surrounded by the magical nature of this woodland.
“Wildlings is a play group with a twist and involves many activities; swinging in a hammock, getting mucky making a mud pie, and singing songs round the campfire is all on the agenda!
“While we can guarantee the fun, we can’t pick the weather so please make sure you and your little ones are suitably dressed as we play whatever the weather!”
These sessions are free thanks to funding from Nextenergy. Spaces are limited and booking is essential. Tickets are only needed for the children attending.
Places can be booked via the Trust’s events page linked below, just search Hem Heath to bring up the sessions. Wildfamilies events will be added closer to school holidays.