Craig Slawson

Craig Slawson

It is with extreme sadness we have to announce our colleague, Craig, passed away on Tuesday 11th February 2020 after a short spell in hospital.

Craig’s impact on Staffordshire’s biological recording, biodiversity and geodiversity has been hugely important. He was a font of knowledge and will be greatly missed.

Craig first worked for SWT in the early 1990s before moving to the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust to establish EcoRecord, the biological records centre for the West Midlands. Craig returned to Staffordshire in 2000 to take a role at Staffordshire Ecological Record, based with SWT. Craig’s technical and taxonomic knowledge was vital in the development of SER. The biological records SER holds influences all aspects of SWT’s conservation work from reserve management to our planning responses to the developing Nature Recovery Network.

This is Craig’s legacy.