Charity pleads for pet owners to help keep wildlife and livestock safe this spring

Charity pleads for pet owners to help keep wildlife and livestock safe this spring

Mark Hamblin 2020 VISION

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust ask public to keep dogs on leads to protect nature.

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust are urging dog owners to keep their pets on short leads now that birds are nesting, species are emerging from hibernation, and to protect grazing livestock. 

Experts say loose dogs are one of the biggest causes of wildlife disturbance – this is particularly problematic when many species are breeding and vulnerable either on or near the ground. 

Ground-nesting birds such as curlew, ringed plovers, and skylark, are particularly at risk. Research shows that 66% of ground-nesting birds are in decline in the UK, compared to 31% of other species.  

Dogs can also be a threat to sheep, cows and other grazing livestock – with regular problems reported on land owned by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. Dog waste, too, is dangerous for wildlife as it can carry diseases, scare away animals, and add damaging nutrients that affect the natural balance of soils and fragile habitats. 

Dog owners can help wildlife if they: 

  • Keep dogs on short leads on nature reserves and in the wider countryside 
  • Clean up after animals and dispose of dog waste in bins or at home 
  • Avoid using nature reserves if walking large groups of dogs  

Many of The Trust’s nature reserves welcome responsible dog walkers, but instances of dogs disturbing wildlife and livestock have led the charities to issue a plea ahead of spring. 

Wild places with particularly sensitive habitats or species may also be closed to dogs.

Jeff Sim, Head of Reserves for Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, says:

“It’s great that so many people benefit from enjoying beautiful natural areas while out walking their dogs, but we must urge responsibility. Wildlife is suffering huge declines and dogs in wild places can cause problems, especially from February through to the end of summer when many species are breeding. I’m a dog owner but never walk her without a lead during nesting season. It’s not only the impact on ground-nesting birds, but other wildlife including amphibians and mammals can be affected, as well as grazing livestock.”

The impacts of loose dogs in wild places include trampling nests and scaring adult birds away from their young. Vulnerable chicks can perish if left alone for too long. Staffordshire’s wetland reserves Tuckleshome, Doxey Marshes, and Croxall Lakes are all home to birds specifically at risk, such as the ringed plover and little ringed plover.

Disturbances can also affect feeding and foraging behaviour and the emergence of common lizards and grass snakes found on heathland reserves Gentleshaw and Highgate Common – wildlife is less likely to breed and feed in areas where dogs are encountered. 

Other wildlife trusts have reported multiple problems with dogs chasing grazing livestock, which has resulted in the deaths of animals. In Staffordshire, The Trust has also experienced problems at nature reserves with lakes and ponds. Some areas which may appear very beautiful to people, actually are in poor ecological health because of frequent disturbance from dogs.

Jon Rowe, Senior Land Manager Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, says:

“The Roaches is a spectacular place to enjoy with our dogs, I have two of my own who love it up there, but keeping them on a lead is essential to the welfare of the area's wildlife. Meadow pipits for example; a lovely little bird that nests among the ground foliage. We also have very fragile pools in the area which we need dog owners to help us protect so we don't lose what little wildlife remains in them, by not allowing their dogs to paddle or swim in them. We know it may seem harmless but not only do dogs disturb the wildlife, they can also introduce harmful coat oils and chemicals from flea treatments to the water.”

The law states youmust keep your dog on a lead no longer than two metres between 1st March and 31st July when on any open access land to protect ground-nesting birds.  

The Countryside Code outlines that dogs must be controlled to avoid disturbing farm animals or wildlife. Farmers are, by law, entitled to destroy a dog that injures or worries their animals. 

Responsible dog owners who keep their dogs on leads during nature's busy season will also be helping wildlife by:  

  • Lessening the negative impacts of dog poo and urine
  • Preventing dogs jumping in ponds, which can disturb aquatic wildlife. Insecticides found in dog flea treatments can pollute waterways
  • Reducing risks to other animals, including farm livestock


Editor's notes

  • You can find more info about being a nature-friendly pet owner here.  
  • ‘Why we ask dogs to be on a short lead’ – see Suffolk Wildlife Trust here
  • Recent dog attacks on sheep on the Gwent Levels – info here.   
  • Northumberland Wildlife Trust’s sheep and ponies have died or been injured following dog attacks – more here.  

Dog ownership increased during the Covid-19 pandemic 

The Pet Food Manufacturers' Association reported in 2021 that 3.2 million households in the UK acquired a pet since the start of the pandemic. In 2022, it was estimated that 34% of households own dogs. It was reported that 59% of new pet owners were 16-34 years old. 

European bird declines: Do we need to rethink approaches to the management of abundant generalist predators? 

Barry J. McMahon, Susan Doyle, Aimée Gray, Seán B. A. Kelly, Steve M. Redpath 20 July 2020 - link here. 

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, a registered charity, is the leading nature conservation body in the County. It protects and enhances our wildlife and wild places and promotes involvement, enjoyment and understanding of the natural world.  With the support of over 19,000 members, it manages over 40 sites covering over 4,900 acres and including sites of international, European and national importance. As part of The Wildlife Trusts, the Trust is the local face of the largest organisation in the UK concerned with the conservation of all forms of wildlife.