Group membership
This membership package is devised to enhance your efforts to teach school children, uniform groups and small community groups about their local wildlife in an informative and entertaining way. If you are looking for some extra inspiration from wildlife experts, ideas of how to engage a group outdoors or a pre-planned environmental activity, then this is the membership you need!
Enjoy all the benefits! Group membership includes:
- A membership certificate to display.
- Your Wildlife Watch pack which includes: a children’s magazine published quarterly, a poster, stickers and an activity book full of information on wildlife and things to do.
- Staffordshire Wildlife Trust’s adult magazine twice a year.
- A digital copy of our Wildchild booklet, offering lots of practical ideas for outdoor crafts, games and activities.

- Our monthly e-newsletter with details of all of the events we run and info activities you can do to help wildlife in your area.
- A free 30 minute video call (live or pre-recorded) for your class / group with one of our members of staff. Does your class or group want to find out more about a nature topic? Let them ask questions during a “Wildlife Question Time”.
- Access to the password-protected area of our Wildlife Watch website, where you’ll find back issues of magazines, printable activity sheets, images/graphics, and a brand toolkit for Watch Groups.
- 10% off one activity per year, booked at The Wolseley Centre. Your group can book a trip for up to 60 children, an after school session or a group wildlife activity.

Your membership will:
- Help to protect and enhance the wild places and wildlife in Staffordshire.
- Save you time by offering you lots of outdoor creative ideas for activities and projects.
- Save you money by giving you access to a 10% discount off one activity per year booked at The Wolseley Centre.
- Give your green credentials a boost within the local community, meet national curriculum objectives and contribute towards eco-school awards and sustainable schools.
Want to find out more
If you’d like to find out more about membership, please contact our team 01889 880100 (switchboard) or email or download our Group Membership leaflet below
Group Membership leaflet
Join today!
Wildchild Group Membership is £75 per year
You can pay for Group Membership by card, Bacs Transfer or Cheque
You can either:
- Complete the online form that you can download below and email it to or send it to us by post to: Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, The Wolseley Centre, Wolseley Bridge, Stafford. ST17 0WT
- Email with a postal address where we can send a form