Children from Lochinver primary school planting trees at Culag Wood - Niall Benvie/2020VISION
Ways to help wildlife
All across Staffordshire people are taking action for wildlife. Letting gardens grow wild, creating wildlife friendly spaces, and campaigning to defend nature. Will you join them?
Each action may be small, but together we can make an impact. The science shows that if just one person in every four takes action, this can be enough to change the minds and behaviour of the whole community. Will you be that one?
Become a champion for nature, pick an action, and help us create a wilder Staffordshire.
Our friends at Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust have made the below video to explain what a difference YOU can make.
Join Team Wilder (https://youtu.be/nB2IAswHEHw)
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
Empowering people to take action for nature
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is supporting people across the county to take action for nature. Providing the knowledge and skills to help wildlife in their local area. Working to improve access to wild spaces for communities.
We’re supporting community groups, schools, and services to improve their local area for people and wildlife.
Get in touch for advice, support, or to find out how you can create a wilder community by e-mailing: wilderenquiries@staffs-wildlife.org.uk
Some of the amazing things happening around Staffordshire
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is working with communities and supporting people to improve spaces for people and wildlife. To inspire you, here are just a few examples of the work we’re doing with communities.
Wild About Tamworth (learn more here) has supported teams of volunteers to carry out practical conservation in greenspaces for over 20 years.
Nextdoor Nature (find out more here) has advised and supported groups in Stafford to improve green spaces, create community memorial gardens, and engaged communities to learn more about wildlife.
Staffordshire Green Network has helped groups support each other, form partnerships and work together to take action for the environment. By working together our actions will have a greater impact.
We’ve also run bird box making workshops with community groups, organised talks to help pollinators, advised on creating wildflower meadows and community gardens, and given people the expert knowledge to approach councils with local nature recovery plans.
More ways to help wildlife
Let’s share our love for nature
If you’re taking action for nature across Stafford don’t forget to use #ActionForNature and tag us: find us @StaffsWildlife @StaffsWildlife on X and Facebook, @staffswt on Instagram, @staffswildlifetrust on Tiktok and @staffordshire-wildlife-trust on LinkedIn.