Climate friendly gardening
There are plenty of ways you can take action against climate change in your own backyard or local greenspace.
Take Climate action for wildlife
New handbook for schools and children to act on climate change
The Wildlife Trusts unveil new educational guides for children to learn about how nature can help tackle the climate crisis.
Wildlife Trusts’ report outlines radical steps required to help nature adapt to climate change
Roaches fire - credit Rod Kirkpatrick
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust call on Government to be world leader on climate at COP27 by taking urgent action to restore nature at home
UK Government must increase efforts to protect at least 30% of land and sea by 2030 and strengthen environmental protections
The Wildlife Trusts explore legal challenge to Government decision to allow emergency use of neonicotinoid
The Wildlife Trusts explore legal challenge to Government decision to allow emergency use of neonicotinoid
Emergency authorisation was refused in 2018 – what’s changed?
Things you can do about climate change
Devastating climate impact of using peat in UK horticulture revealed
New analysis by The Wildlife Trusts has calculated the shocking impacts of extracting peat for use in horticulture.
Wildlife and climate set to benefit from innovative community project
This spring sees the start of Nature in Your Neighbourhood, an innovative National Lottery Community Fund community led project in the Staffordshire Moorlands.
12,000 travel to Westminster for historic natural environment and climate lobby with MPs outside Parliament
School children, farmers, grandparents and surfers were amongst an estimated 12,000 people who today lobbied their MPs for urgent action on nature declines and climate change.
New report reveals that nature-friendly farming budget is inadequate to meet climate and nature targets
New economic analysis, published today, demonstrates that the current agricultural budget is significantly less than what is required for the UK farm and land management sector to help tackle the…