Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

Credit; Tom Marshall

Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

30 Days Wild - Big Wild Weekend

A big thank you to all those who took part in our Big Weekend Wildlife Watch survey last year - our BioBlitz challenge is back for 2021!

We hope you will join us again this year for more exploring and wildlife spotting!

As part of 30 Days Wild, we are inviting you to take part in the campaign's Big Wild Weekend, on the 18th - 20th June. The Big Wild Weekend is a weekend where we, along with other Wildlife Trust's across the UK want you to spend time outside (whilst following social distancing Government rules) and connect with nature on Friday 18th - Sunday 20th June. The Big Wild Weekend takes place halfway through 30 Days Wild– the UK’s annual nature challenge organised by The Wildlife Trusts and which runs from the 1st -30th June.

For the Big Wild Weekend in Staffordshire, we are encouraging people to head outside to their local green space or garden and get involved in our exciting Big Weekend Wildlife Watch survey! You can even look out your window too at home to spot some of the species or whilst out on your daily walk. 

We will be picking a lucky winner from those that submit results who will receive a species ID guide. Sign up here to take part in the Big Weekend Wildlife Watch

30 days wild pack

30 Days Wild 2021 sign ups are now open!

Take on the UK's biggest month-long nature challenge. Can you do one wild action each day in June? Sign up to get your FREE pack today! There are packs available for individuals and families, schools, care homes and businesses. 

Sign up to 30 Days Wild

What is the Big Weekend Wildlife Watch?

Wildlife is in decline across the UK and we are calling on you to help us survey the state of Staffordshire's wildlife across the county.  We want you to look out for 30 key species across Staffordshire from Friday 18th June - Sunday 20th June, you can find these in your garden, local outdoor space and even spot some from outside your window at home. We want you to note how many of each species you have seen and send in the results to us. For those of you who are lucky, there are 6 gold star species you can find that are more difficult to spot than the others. 

All ages are encouraged to take part in the survey from kids to grown-ups - we even had schools sign up last year! 

Species we want you to spot range from mammals to moths to bees and birds; so you need to make sure you are looking all around you!

How can I take part?  

To take part in our Big Weekend Wildlife Watch, you will need to fill in the form at the bottom of this page to register your interest. Once signed up, you'll get a confirmation message with a link to download your spotting booklet ready for the Big Wild Weekend. You can print and fill it in or if you don't have a printer, view the pages of the booklet on your phone and take a notebook out with you. The booklet pages include a checklist of the species we want you to look out for so you can tick them off along with some facts to help you spot the species. 

Although we are asking you to look out for 30 species, we very much welcome you sending in records of any other wildlife you spot. We felt like 30 species was a good number to look out for over the weekend. You can also submit images of species you spot when you send over your results too!

One lucky winner will be randomly chosen from those who sign up to take part in and submit results for the survey who will receive a UK Garden Wildlife guide!

Bird spotting
Westport Lake - family activities

Learn species ID skills at our special drop-in events!

As part of our Big Weekend Widllife Watch BioBlitz event, we are running a series of drop-in sessions on Saturday 19th June where you can learn how to record your local wildlife!

We’ll be exploring the exciting wildlife of the stunning Croxall Lakes nature reserve, and your family will learn how to make scientific records of the wildlife you find, and why this is important!

All families will receive a free Transforming the Trent Valley ID guide and survey booklet on the day as well as a copy of the Big Weekend Wildlife Watch booklet.

Find out more

Why are we doing this?

The current state of nature in the UK is in trouble. 15 % of UK species are threatened and there have been strong or moderate declines since 1970 in 41% of all UK species. Hedgehogs, toads, water voles and turtle doves are just a few species of many whose numbers are declining. 

We need to act to put nature into recovery before it is too late to ensure a Wilder Future for all. By recording species for our Big Weekend Wildlife Watch you will be helping us to further analyse the state of Staffordshire's wildlife by building our record data as we map out the wildlife status of the county. Once numbers have been collated, along with other data, we can start to see a picture of which species aren't doing so well and therefore make extra efforts to help these species. 

It is also great fun spotting wildlife and taking part in the survey is the perfect excuse to get outdoors, learn about local wildlife and well ... go wild! 

Don't forget to keep us updating with how you are getting on and the cool species you have spotted by tagging us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Best of luck, we are counting on you Wildlife Explorers! 

Sign up

You can sign up for the Big Weekend Wildlife Watch survey by filling in the form below.

You will then receive a confirmation message with a link to the spotting guide as well as a copy going to the email address you signed up with (please check your junk folder if you are having problems locating our email) 


We promise to protect your data in accordance with the Wildlife Trust Privacy Policy 

You can change your contact preferences at any time by e-mailing or calling 01889 880100. We promise to protect your personal data, in accordance with our privacy policy

Bug hunting

Credit: Matthew Roberts

Top tips for spotting wildlife

- be quiet otherwise you might scare off the wildlife

- have a good pair of binoculars and a magnifying glass to help identify species

- take snacks and a drink out with you, you need to keep your energy levels up!

- read the facts in your spotting booklet to help you identify certain species

- species like to be active at different times of day so make sure you try and mix up when you go out exploring

- be careful where you go exploring and make sure you always have an adult with you - they can often help with extra clues to help find wildlife!